Eternal Hunger Fanart
Here you will find fanart that I and other fans made. If you have your own and would like to share, please contact me. Some of these blends show Vladislaus and Gabriel in intimate, sexual situations - they are marked with this

You can click on the name of the blend to open it in a new window or download it via right-click and "save target as..."
made by Anukk
- On the Streets of Bukarest (anmiated)
- Resurrection
- Bath for my lover
- Eternity with me
- My Master's Plans
- A Master's Kiss
- Tears of Hunter
- Watching you change
- Intermezzo
- Van Helsing
- Touch
- Aching for warmth
- Electrical Storm
- Bless me father for I have sinned ...
- One nip only ..
- Resisting?
- Am I so unlovable?
- Once upon a time in Transylvania
- Reunion Witnesses
- Seduction on holy ground
- A master's kiss
- Lusting Hearts (Aleera/Anna)
- Whispers in the dark
- In the forest
- Killing you softly
- Solitary Nights
- Little Wolf (Velkan/Vladislaus)
- Moonlight brings Memories
- Desperate Desires
- The ball's turning point
made by Iceheart
- Could you resist me?
- Reunion
- Do not fear me
- Secret Love
- History
- If these walls could talk
- Now that I have your attention
- Silent Reverie
- Watching over you
- Candlelight kisses
- The enchanted castle
- Late Regret
- Let me be near you
- Lusting
- Hold me
- The devil's concubines
made by Barbayat
- Girls just wanna have fun
- Ice-cold fire
- The thin line between love and hate
- Hot Shower Play
- The Wild One
- Huntress
- Don't shy away