Welcome to "Drama Queen"

The only fanlisting for the character "Count Vladislaus Dragulia" also known as "Count Dracula" from the movie "Van Helsing" listed at TheFanlistingsNetwork in the Characters: Book/Movie category.

This particular interpretation of the character "Dracula" is also often refered to as "Roxula" by the fans, as no doubt the popularity of this more unique and fresh version is greatly due to Richard Roxbourgh's efforts.


For more information, fanart and other fanstuff, take a look at the Eternal Hunger Fansite, the update blog on the mainsite also holds any specifics about updates on the individual fanlistings located at this site.

The update date below is refering to the last member check, update or addition to the fanlisting.


This fanlisting was last updated 07th October 2024 and has a total of 54 members from 16 countries with 0 waiting for approval.

About 0.01 fans per day have joined since the fanlisting was opened on the 15th March 2008.

The fanlisting is maintained by Barbayat with the aid of Enthusiast, CodeSort, Fan Update and other sources.

My other Eternal Hunger fanlistings

The Aleera Fanlistings The Gabriel Van Helsing Fanlistings The Gabriel / Vladislaus Fanlistings The Verona Fanlistings The Marishka Fanlistings

contact me / disclaimer & credit --- © Barbayat 2008-2011